Take just a moment, and think about why you’re here.
(Bear with me, I do actually have a point.)
You’re visiting this blog, because you’d like to know more about asklaila.
In other words, you have a few questions that you’d like answered.
And that, in a nutshell, is precisely what Laila does.
Laila answers your questions.
Laila is a local search engine, custom tailored to meet Indian needs.
This is where you can find the answers to all the questions you have about your city.
(Although we’re operating only in Bangalore for now, we’ll soon be in India’s top 6 cities.)
From pasta joints to plumbers, concerts to chaat-waalas, this is where you’ll get all the essential info. you need -including contact numbers, landmarks, hours of operation.
Yes. Yes. I know. You want more.
Well, you can also browse articles and reviews, trade gossip, find reviews and lots more.
All, in easy to share mode, through SMS or e-mail.
So why? Why do this, in the first place?
Because it needs to be done. Because like you, I’m tired of the fact that there are no accurate and comprehensive services online for local information. Because we shouldn’t have to rely on obsolete phone books, or frivolous “city portals”, for the information we need. And because there are a whole lot of people, who feel just the way we do.
Now I could give you a lot of heavy spiel about the algorithms and data crunching.
And everything else that makes all this possible.
But I’d much rather introduce you to the rest of Laila’s gang.
The prime culprits are Kiran Konduri and Shriram Adukoorie the co-founders, and Bal Krishna Birla the chief technical officer.
They got the ball rolling, and sold the rest of us on the idea.
They did such a good job, that for the last 6 months, we’ve done nothing but eat, sleep and breathe Laila. (And believe me when I say, there’s wasn’t a whole lot of sleep.)
BTW, and I’m speaking for everyone here, what do you think of the fruit of our labour?
You see, we’re very keen on feedback. We think it’s the greatest thing since cookie dough ice cream. Plus, it’s the best way we know of, to constantly improve.

And it’s not all a one way street. To start talking back to Laila, just register, and log on.
You can post comments, rate entries and even suggest a few of your own.
And it’s not all a one way street. To start talking back to Laila, just register, and log on.You can post comments, rate entries and even suggest a few of your own.All in all, just think of Laila, as the girl next door.
No. Not that one.
The other one.
The nice one.
Congralations Guys, was expecting something cool from you guys from the day you announced the company 🙂
Way to go 🙂
Btw, who is laila ? I see that there is no laila in the team 😉
It really works! I have compared the results from couple your competitors. You are doing better. Hope you cover lot more cities in future.!
Any ideas for rural areas too..!! I would like such kind of services to be available to all of India..!!
I would be really happy to find a store for my Papa, sitting here in Bangalore :)..
Hey Madhu,
BTW your comment about finding a store for my Papa reminds me of an instance where I was trying to explain my Mom what I do. In the end her comment was that you are basically a glorified typist 🙂
So seeing Laila in action has certainly helped me to regain some self respect.
We certainly are working expanding Laila to other cities so stay tuned….
hey guys, been using asklaila over 6 months now.. u guys are unbelivably good.. keep up the great work:)
Thanks a lot Priya for your encouraging words.